I might have missed the odd thing or two but I thought it was worth getting back on the old tricycle. One such that has caught my attention is the perfidy of certain corporate entities. No names no pack drill for m'learned friends to get their briefs into but the mega the bitter. John Naughton (whom god preserve) reminds me of the much appreciated Larry Lessig who, it is alleged, would believe that
“....a corporation is a person when Texas executes one.”
(Did he not have a walk on part in the West Wing...Ed?)
I believe he was portrayed, successfully, by an accomplished thespian.
(Still lots of work for an editor then, thespian indeed...Ed!)
If you would like a little something to calm you down might I suggest Polegnala e Tudora Link
Which brings to mind Mrs Rupinka and the Trio Bulgarka. Enough as I have mentioned before to make a straight archbishop kick a hole in a stained glass window. Nice to be back.