Friday, April 03, 2020

Strange appearance on a walk.

A person lying lengthways on a log! Discreetly positioned but noticeable nonetheless.
Do I cough? In this age of corona virus probably not.
Should I offer assistance - is it needed, would it be wanted? The person is swaddled against the cold and not in distress unless they have popped their clogs but considering their position they would have to have been frozen on the log. I turn my back and consider the field before me, some birds and a general feeling of a cold grey end to winter.

The trees have suffered greatly over the last month; flooding and windfall damage. I have an itchy feeling. I could have turned my back on a mass murderer or no good boyo, or whoever? Too much Nordic Noir? In fact as I finally put my bins away and turned to the path again I was able to see that the 'cadaver' was a woman and I offered a wave with, Hi! She explained that she was waiting for the red kite that has been sighted around the village to fly over so that she could video it. No luck so far. We established we were both from the village and that I was familiar with red kites. I wished her well and apologised for disturbing her meditation and bird watching!
Our very own Log Lady.