Sunday, December 29, 2019


There is always some colour in the garden even on days when the grey mist descends. Points of pink sparkle on the grey red stems, the gloom giving them a contrast that sits on the retina. I reread, at the LRB's prompting, an article by Kathleen Jamie  highlighting the importance of the dark in a world that seems only to equate light with good.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Winter of Discontinence

Well Then!
Keith's Mum said why don't we all go out and Sell them a Tory, or it could have been Tell them a Story.
Who can explain, for example, what goes on in what might loosely be called Boris Johnson’s mind?
A direct quote from John Naughton In Th'Observer. May not be original of course but caused quite a chuckle. ( See To err is human – is that why we fear machines that can be made to err less? Today)
A wintry little scene below to cheer us up.