I've been reading them, e-reading them, listening to them, commenting on them, reading about them in various forms and generally getting on like a pig in muck (Is that not too, how shall we say, agricultural a metaphor... Ed!)
It's earthy and a simile if you must; moving on. Your man in the Grauniad has a low opinion of the ebooky thingamyjigs. However, since he probably earns a good screw selling dead trees to people who should know better, he may have a point.
I grant you e-books have not:
- Brought about world peace and justice;
- Found a cure for cancer;
- Eradicated poverty and famine at a stroke;
- Brought democracy to Messers All & Sundry;
- Implemented a significant programme of renewable energy;
- Cut our carbon emissions by 90%...
(I think I catch your drift. Could we not take a break, sit down have a cup of tea and show a wee picture by way of ***INTERMISSION *** ...Ed)
If you are interested, and you should be, My Europe is a fine anthology of writing on Europe from Patrician Press.
I'm sure that when all has come to pass, ourselves included, those that follow will say, mystified:-