Occasionally BP encourages an open debate between editorial
and creative members of the cooperative. The usual parenthetical delimiters and the employment of ellipses is
dispensed with to encourage a full and
frank discussion much like the old catechistic method of inculcating doctrinal
Has there been a bit of a ruck about the old BeeB and
the payment of the workers?
There has, indeed.
Have some of the troops been what can only be described as
Deeply, I suspect.
Emily, Jane and the women, have been up in arms
about it, have they not?
Monstrously so, I fear.
Could we suggest some names are quite notable by their absence?
A very taxing arrangement, I would judge.
I hope you are not implying, given the alacrity of m'learned
friends to seek redress, any malfeasance.
I would not wish to evade the issue but, allegedly, it is
wholly avoidable.