It's the energy stupid!
IMHO a good overview of the present state of solar energy providing a sustainable supply for our needs in the future. It includes a down to earth (sorry) review of costs and implementation. He considers financing, the normalising of demand, the use of the web for this and what to do when some ejit says the sun don't shine all the time! (That's easy, turn the lights on...Ed!)
His website provides lots of interesting facts and figures including an analysis of energy supply and storage for the Island of Gigha! You did want to know didn't you? There is also a weekly newsletter, if you are so minded.
(Ah for the love of Mike will you give us a break from all this happy, clappy, Corbinista, wooly, sock and brown rice eco-communmitarianism...Ed)
Come on! Spark up princess, anyone would think you had pneumonia!