To Cambridge. Confusing for a Foolish Old Man (FoM) First an Old Library with no books. (Is this going to be a further tirade against the hardworking Mr Cameron and his Government's entirely reasonable policy of Austerity... Ed?) I believe the books have been moved elsewhere.
A Master who is a Mistress (Easy there! M'learned friends might have something to say about all this transgenderysexual stuff. Holy Mother, The Church, would have had non of it...Ed!) No they would have had A Pope (and others) on the Grope.
Finally, Robert Macfarlane's Orphans, intriguing. (I had no idea the bloody fellow was deceased. All that walking his socks off and writing business. He would have been better off getting a proper suit and a job and looking after the kids...Ed!)
We pitched up at the Old Library Emmanuel College for the launch of a slim volume, linked above, by Martin Johnson. The woodcut of a green lane on the cover is worth the price alone, in my view. I have mentioned the Patrician Press before. It is a very courageous effort in these changing times for publishing. Have a look, buy a book!