Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Spoonful of ...?

You might think the book I have my teeth into at the moment, Swallow This by Joanna Blythman, is a tale of medication in childhood, political obfuscation or unpalatable comestibles. Up to a point Chef Copper, up to a point. The further title, Serving up the Food Industry's Darkest Secrets, gives you more of a clue .
On p92 the description of in store bakeries as tanning salons for products had me choking on my deep fried Mars Bar. According to Joanna it derives from the wit and wisdom of the  Real Bread Campaign. Really our processed food is the great British Fake-Off.

I recognised long ago  that my critical abilities were at the level of being able to read, but not necessarily comment sensibly on, the backs of sauce bottles. I now read them and tremble!

(I've always had a soft spot for sweet and sour prawn balls myself...Ed.)