Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Readers Lives

Sunk into two books recently, with considerable enjoyment, if that is the right word.  Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey
Very painful but very much worth the effort. As I may have mentioned before, the changing room at the pool where I swim has a polite little notice by the door, asking
- Have you forgotten anything?
I always feel an urge, so far resisted, to add - Yes, what's my name?
I have mentioned it before haven't I.

All the Birds, Singing. by Evie Wyld

We read this as part of the summer reads project.    We also had the real pleasure of hearing the author speak about her book at a very low key meeting in Bury Library. It was an enjoyable insight into her thinking and other readers' ideas. I regarded the book as a very good read before the meeting but the expansion and discussion gave me access to ideas and aspects that I hadn't even considered. Herself was intrigued to see the person behind the novel. Evie is  a very talented writer in addition she appears to be modest, thoughtful and quite open about the sometimes painful process of producing a text.
I would strongly recommend it and if you don't believe me then have a look!

More books - about Bees - to come! Now that will be interesting. (God Almighty! You just can't resist it can you. Here I was thinking that we had gone for a whole blog without one of those... dreadful... dreadful...Ed!)