It seems that the Good Old Grauniad (GoG) has got itself into a bit of troubba having a spat with the PM and MIn (where n is any number between -1 and 666). GoG has been revealing secrets the like of which will:- cause the downfall of civilization, undermine the natural order, destroy all the good work we have done for chappies in less developed parts of the globe, reduce peace goodwill and justice to all men and women even. They should be ashamed and if it weren't too hush hush we might even have to mention the operatives in the field who have been put in danger by that blackguard Rushbridger, I ask you what kind of a man is that. (How in the name of all that is good and holy can poor old Alan be accused of causing danger and distress to farm labourers. Has he been kicking over the spuds or hurling them at the heads of the poor tattie hawkers...Ed?)
These matters require a deep knowledge of diplomacy and some acquaintance with state secrets, I would not expect you to understand, away and get the printers ink of your fingers before we have our tea!
(I know a few people who know a thing or two and they seem to think quite highly of him...Ed!)
Hacks, all of them, probably paid by the yard!