Saturday, April 07, 2012

Affirmative Authentication

We do tend to assert  that which confirms our views, philosophy, judgements, eternal verities. We are less interested in the counter argument and evidence. Twas ever thus and will be so.

An interesting take on the volume of information now deployed and able to be deployed to support a particular position in a review by Brain Pickins of The information Diet by Clay Johnson.

I particularly like
"the industrialization of information, arguing that blaming the abundance of information itself is as absurd as blaming the abundance of food for obesity."
Force-feeding the public Hollywood’s entertainment lard.
Who wants to hear the truth when you can hear that you are right?
Although it cuts both ways. If we have the tools and the ability we can use the data to build strong cases. Otherwise we can just hose  the unbeliever with facts, lashings of facts, until they sink in the data mire!

A Happy Hand Ha Blessed Heaster to you Hall!