Lines of Sight
The Pathologist with empathy "Ooh what a shame" a one woman Greek Chorus.
Killer whales going around in family groups - young males with their mums!
One with everything
"The case of the candidate member, his wife, her son, the lover (who's lover...Ed?) and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, probably the cook, the crook and the CIA as well"rumbles on. Any similarity with the suspension of Bo Xilai from the party over the alleged murder of Neil Heywood is by chance and chance alone.
- most of the politburo are engineers by background and many of them have real jobs as well,I love the idea of "leading small groups". I certainly went off on one when that appeared on the page. It's a pity they didn't name them small leading groups (watch it...Ed!)
- the Party does not seem to have a website ( must check that).
There's a gun in my pants and I'm not pleased to see you!The moment passed.
"the industrialization of information, arguing that blaming the abundance of information itself is as absurd as blaming the abundance of food for obesity."and
Force-feeding the public Hollywood’s entertainment lard.Who wants to hear the truth when you can hear that you are right?