At this time of year it is very easy to get lost in a pile of S**T. Xmas, HMRC, Europe (hey that was a big steaming pile!) and the more important things. It does warm my heart that others get it wrong too. As I was ploughing through the worthy way to purchase Xmas presents, Amnesty goodies etc my attention was drawn to the offer of Fairtrade Jonnies from the guys and gals at
New Internationalist. Interesting I thought but my eye was caught, on page 11 of their catalogue, more by the description than the concept. I reproduce it here but don't get me wrong or take it as anything other than praising their products with faint damnation. Their calendar has had pride of place on my present giving list for many years and the photos are a source of joy hope and humanity.

Please don't ring to tell them as
this link shows they are well aware of the mistake and like the good folks they are have admitted it in a self deprecating way and moved on.
...twisted round banisters... ouch;
...twistable wire... ouch, ouch.
Approximate length 100cm, oh Lordy, Lordy!