The Really Smart Phone by Robert Lee Hotz(Linked from the Grauniad)
Many interesting statements:-
Today, almost three-quarters of the world's people carry a wireless phone.Splutter as muesli goes out of mouth in explosive spray - big numbers!
My good friend Mr Wikipedia would make that an estimated population, world for the use of, 7 billion and change - give or take. Three quarters of that number gives you about 5.25 billion and change - give or take. (Ed... Yes, yes we all know you had the benefits of a catholic and a scientific education.) The WSJ probably checks the odd fact or two. However, here at BP Towers, we have the latest supercomputer fact checking department and our staunch friend Mr Wikipedia. According to the man there are an estimated 4.6 billion mobile phone subscribers ( not handsets.) Not so far out but still big numbers and when they are potentially linked in a network the mind bogoggles!
The article has other points to make; minor questions of identifying location, 'privacy' and predicting behaviour. You can read for yourself.
The following did catch my mental funny bone
Perhaps less surprisingly, people are happiest when they are making love and most miserable when sick in bed. The most despondent place in the U.K. is an hour or so west of London, in a town called Slough.Didn't someone write a poem about that once, Slough, bombs, despond! Rings a bell.