A bright spring morn. To the local flea pit for a screening of the film.
Inside Job. Yes, we all know the origins of our current shortage of the old readies. We know our CDOs from our CDSs. We know the perfidy of Lehman and others, the Gargantua of investment banking and the beggaring of a number of countries by Merchants of Greed. (MoGs)
It was good to see it set out so clearly and unequivocally with mug shots of the players Henry Paulson, Ben Bernanke & Timothy Geithner, for example. Whatever happened to them?
Christine Lagarde calling him Honk Paulson, Glenn Hubbard caught in the headlights like a rabbit; it's all good clean fun!
We should not forget what these people did and the effect they will have on the lives of those that are not able to deal with it! But we will, we will.
The director, Charles Ferguson, was asked in October 2010 what the most important lesson in his film was:-
"Oh that's simple. That finance is too important to be left to the financiers."
The MoGs are still out there sucking.