A very good new year with friends who we love.
A chicken dish which would have annoyed Mr Bush and not too much over indulgence.
We made a trip to Welney and I was smitten. The above, obviously had a wild new year.
But the feeding at 3.30 and the floodlighting brought in birds, especially swans, by the hundreds.
There were more ducks arses after the feeding than I remember from dances in the 60s.

Incoming swans kept us transfixed.

It was difficult to capture the moment. The birds were so cool. They arrived in ones and twos; then sixes and nines, then the tens and twenties. After this they swam around with such sophistication and aplomb that they seemed to be having a little passeo or vuelta before a spectacular dinner or ball.
A good new year to all our readers!
La vida es un haya.
Keep planting the seeds!