Took some time out from work in Bristol recently to look at this garden. A gap in the planting seemed to indicate where some selfless soul gave his life in a runaway vehicle to save others. Gazing at the modest sign that records this I became aware that it was also the bedroom of those who did not have a home to go to. People still sleep rough!
So the boxes have been delivered, life moves on, shelves are being put up. The first communalist activity in the village we participate in is a garage sale. My wish is to open the garage and offer the contents for 5 GBP, if and only if they take the lot, including the picture frame, car rack and strange bits of plastic left by the one careful previous owner! A on the other hand goes out and mingles, and in the spirit of community acquires more books. This is a blow. To my certain and accountable knowledge (we have been paying the bills for 4 years) the aforementioned garage contains at least 33 boxes stuffed full of, you guessed it, books.
Please see my previous posts on the value of libraries and librarians.
Still you can't get too upset when you have a home to worry about.
Listening to the prom.
"Soave si il vento"
So what is that all about eh? Buggered if I know, but it is the kind of tune that would make an archbishop kick a hole in a stained glass window as someone once said.
Regarding the Archbishopric, had a nice one in the FT, Cinephile: -
Archiepiscopal dress (4)
Clue; I believe it is also referred to as a Desmond in some universities.
A weakness, crosswords, but it is reassuring to find we can still do them after all that heavy lifting.