Friday, October 13, 2023

In Time of War(s)

Long, long ago, in a university common room I saw a crumpled man with a crumpled face in a crumpled jacket smoking a cigarette. (It was a long time ago.) Keith's Mum said he was a poet. Here is part of a poem what he wrote.

...I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return...

At an early age I was vaccinated against poetry but I think this has something to say, now.
Within the crumples it seemed there might be great experience, humanity and compassion. Who knows?
Hat tip to John Naughton for reminding me.
(Ehmm, ehmm! Would we not have to get permission from Mr Auden for the use of September 1 1939 Ed.)
WH is late of his parish and we claim fair use which is more than I have had out of you, recently!

Monday, May 01, 2023

Here's One I Grew Earlier

 Once upon a time, far, far away (London) I grew a silver birch seed I was given in a pot. It was masquerading as some other tree and soon outgrew the pot. I planted it in a small garden in Hackney. It outgrew the garden. In fear that it would,  like some Beserker Beanstalk outgrow Hackney I moved it surreptitiosly to a Fen in Cambridgeshire! There it thrived and as you can see from the image below it has given Topsey a run for her money!

Good to see something growing, and a very small contribution to Carbon Capture.

(Ehmm! Nice to see you back again. Ed)

A little older, possibly a little wiser.