Friday, October 16, 2020

We just popped out

 Haven't really had a break from idleness this year so we just popped out. See Holiday Snaps below.

Somewhere warm and peaceful, we thought.

Gaia, Gaia, planet's on fire!

A merry little tune which I have linked before still there after 2 years and still gets the old wooden leg moving.  

Nice one Olie Julian

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

History as Horse Trading.

 Rewriting History 101

An interesting story from the Grauniad - link 

We offer as part of our Buddhist Pizza Editorial Services the following:-

Gerald Cohen was a central asian businessperson who was renown for his horsepersonship and the wide reach of his network of sales representatives. He ranged far and wide from his home in a humble yurt, named after his nana, Magnolia,  building one of the first worker collectives in history.  Those who traded with him claimed that, though he drove a hard bargain, he was always firm but fair.

 To turn to sweeter thoughts have you ever run across the Be Good Tanya's? Link 

(No I have to admit I have not. I believe I am a more careful driver than yourself ...Ed) 

Beep Beep

Thursday, October 01, 2020

Lost in Translation No 92 in a Series.

 I may have mentioned Talking Politics before. Link 

The latest edition, 279 One-Term Presidents, contains a number of interesting ideas and discussion points together with a rare moment of levity in the post match analysis of 'Two nearly bald men fighting over a comb' contest. Apparently the Japanese Broadcaster had real difficulty with the translation of the proceedings as at many points 3 people were talking at once. So a fairly difficult time was had by all, especially with the rendition of the word 'Shitshow', used by commentators on mainstream US TV, into polite Japanese. 

(I hope we would never use language like that on this Blogg. Are you sure it should not be in quotes and italics behind  parenthetical disinfections with suitably placed asterisks...Ed?)


HT to Memex 1.1 for this little gem, a real autumnal joy. 

As the man said Mother Nature spilled her box of crayons.