Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What we did on our holidays





Monday, September 26, 2011


Dawn boy brings his blessing to the bay.
The cock, finally, signals the right hour.
Smokers join in the dawn chorus.

Sailors stir, some to fish, some to ferry.
Those with time mess with their boats,
Fixing and setting, swimming and swabbing.

A boat returns with provisions and a lookout dog.
From the crow’s nest of our balcony
We watch a flight of crows below.

The beach in full sun; houses piled on a shady hillside.
The olive trees, a grey green fringe on a shimmering pate.
We start the day with beauty around us.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Back with a Bang

Being at a loose end (rather than the end of my tether) on Saturday I went to the local flea pit to see The Guard.

The usual tale of sex, drugs and Irish traditional music. Nothing there that you could not take your mammy to see as long as she does not understand the Gaelic and why those two wee lassies dressed as Garda are wearing such short skirts. Terrible political incorrectness was noted!

I haven't laughed so much since the old queen died.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Stormy Weather

Normal Service will be Resumed After a Period of R and R.

(Absolutely outrageous; life is one long holiday for some people... Ed)