Friday, January 28, 2011
Hit Me McTavish!
Chasing Cars
3 pipers, and I love the title- chasing cars. Can't see Dave and Gideon pretending to do singalong. Normally I am happy to hear the pipes playing the Black Isle on a hillside somewhere. Sometimes you just have to let go!
Remind me again how many Westminster MPs represent Scottish constituencies or not as the case may be? Never mind the quantity feel the width!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Deer Management
Act casual, act vegetarian!I will be pulling the leg of my vegetarian friends and relations for some time about that.
There are other ways of dealing with the beasts, of course!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Nice One Philip
It concerns the proposed attack by the Coalition Forces on libraries.
As regular readers will know I too have a soft spot for libraries.
I'm glad that someone with a sharper mind and greater powers of argument is here to defend them and make the case that those who need them the most are least able to prevent closure.
The book burners and the library destroyers are a bad lot and who knows what damage they will do to us?
I know that we live in a world where there are greater ills and where unbelievable horrors greet people on a daily basis. I have no answer to this but I do know that libraries in whatever form open access to a shared humanity. Hopefully we are less likely to kill, maim, rape or exploit those we recognise as sharing that humanity.
To paraphrase the great Rabbi Burns, a teacher of some note, who you may celebrate this evening:
Some hae books and canna read,
And some wad read that want it;
But we hae books, and we can read,
Sae let the books be thankit
Sunday, January 23, 2011
If I can help somebody
This Teashop will be closed for business until further notice.
We are very grateful to all those we have helped along the way.
Please help yourselves to a few spuds from the sack below.
Me Ma said that they are the best she has ever grown!
Brian (without the other Brian this time) xxx
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Anyone Who Has a Heart

Well that shouldn’t be too difficult. Given his power, wealth and influence the process should run like clockwork. A donor may be difficult. Matching tissue type and rejection can be problems. Not insurmountable I’m sure.
So in the spirit of peace and forgiveness I attach a picture of a source of the finest East Anglian Flints. There must be one there that fits.
Go on Dick! Take your pick.
And to cheer you on your way a wee tune and words for as long as it is up there on the interweb.
Could I suggest that after any successful operation you might like a change of scenery. No, no the hills and glens but The Hague!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
AWOL in BABELFISH Translation
So, after Lady Buddhistpizza and I had picked ourselves off the floor, soothed our aching sides and dried our eyes, we added the recipe to the lost in translation pile! We giggled assuming the pretty fish was bonito, claro! We assumed the bonfire was of taste not a barbie, a salsa fuerte perhaps, but those grudges they mouldered on for some time. Could they be goujons? No, definitely a false friend. Could they be resentments buried deep in the psyche of the Basque cook? I think they dealt with old Boney, at least, with an armoury of pots and pans. A likely candidate is the noun grujidor which Collins Dictionary defines as a glass cutter. Could it be that the shavings of glass (produced by the grujidor?) find a resonance in the scales of the pretty fish!? Well, I leave that to the fevered imaginations of our regular readers.
However, hats off to Emily Drinking Tea, who got there in this blog:-
Sainsbury's you need a recipe editor
Ain't that the truth.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
In Cod We Trust
Channel 4 has been running its muckraking paws through our fish.
One aspect of this has been Hugh's Fish Fight the link will give you the idea of the waste of food/fish in the requirement to discard over quota fish! A crime! It will be interesting to see if this campaign will have an impact on the Common Fisheries Policy, I hope it does.
Alex Thomson in today's fish supper "Fish Unwrapped" (Dispatches Series at 19:05) presented a tale of dodgy labeling and treatment of product that would cause Arthur Daley to blush. Catch it if you can and you think you're hard enough! It's on 4oD for the next 29 days as are most of the fishy tales
One good thing to come out of it though is an addition to our supper menu.
Mackerel in a bap, with salad and a wasabi/yoghurt dressing.
(Ed. That wasabi looks a bit wabbit to me.)
Elizabeth 1916-2011
Time takes its dreadful toll on us all.
We panic at the flickering of a dim light.
At the going down of the sun
We fear we may not be there to remember.
Unspoken the fear that we will be there but not remember.
Life, a fragile web of chemistry,
Forms the human to make what it can.
Self, family, friends; stations on the impermanent way.
Fortunes good, bad, and those made by our endeavours.
Our name and our future shining bright behind us.
Born into slaughter, growing in hard times,
You carried life and gave it four forms.
Tumult passed you by as did the voices of those you loved.
You nurtured your family, your friends, your garden
and the birds that pleased/vexed you silently.
These are your name and your future.
Two generations loved and blessed, no harsh words for any,
But every hedge clipped to within an inch of its life.
Your own words, your tribute,
Good and Gracious!
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Dear Sir,
Could I draw your attention to the blog on your website titled
You Decide: Goldman’s Facebook Pitch or Nigerian Email ‘Opportunity’
This scurrilous piece makes a very unfair comparison between Goldman Sachs and entrepreneurial activity by Nigerian citizens. It is my view that Goldman Sachs are not a financial services organisation that I or any of my immediate circle of friends and colleagues would wish to do business with. It has been subject to criticism the latest here which, of course, they deny. We await the report of the The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission this month with interest and expect it will throw light into many corporate dark places!
I would like to make the case in a free market economy for the little person and can attest that I have had nothing but kindness and consideration from my many Nigerian correspondents. Of course, I have chosen not to take advantage of the abundant investment opportunities they have offered me but damn it all that is the essence of capitalism, caveat emptor.
Saturday, January 08, 2011
One of the sharpest criticisms of Thatcherism in popular culture in the eighties was, in my view, Arthur Daley's hapless, seedy entrepreneur. I was reminded of this when our own becondommed leader offered us flu vaccine from previous years.
So there you are in some drinking dive in Westminster. Smoothie chops Dave, camel hair coat, ridiculous titfer, cigar in one hand and V&T in the other is holding forth. He leans across the bar to Andrew, a dour silvertop who is polishing bedpans.
“So Andy, we are running out of the old flu vaccine.
It just so happens I know this guy in Catford who has a warehouse full of the stuff.
This is the real McCoy. It would bring down a herd of swans at 50 paces. Lamentable, because it is a tad past its sell by date it is languishing in a crummy lockup!
Andy holds a bedpan up to the light squints at it. With all the enthusiasm of man about to cut off his own right arm with a rusty butter knife he lets out a slow stream of breath followed by,
“I suppose we could give it a try, it would have to be dated 2000 an somefink though Dave, no tricks mind!”
Arthur looks mortified, as if someone had accused him of a VAT fiddle. He replies,
“Andy, how long have you known me? Would I seek to abuse the bonds of friendship, pollute the trust of two trading partners with some cheap legerdemain? “
He turns to a sallow yoof at his side and rouses him from a reverie of heaven knows what with,
“Gideon, get the motor, pop round to Stavros at Biggie Pharma and pick up a few cases of Chateau Avian 2009! Try not to drop it. “
Arthur smiles, empties his glass, points it in the direction of the vodka optic and requests,
“A large one, please Andy, not too much ice!”
Thursday, January 06, 2011
What is life?
Pretty devious stuff this DNA, my guess is that it is taking over the world!If you want to know the mechanism for the central dogma behind this assertion the video in the following link may give you a clue, or it may not, anyway pure Star Wars.
The Central Dogma
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Dead, Dead, and never called me Mava!
Nigel, in the Archers, should have taken advantage of those flying lessons when he had the chance.
We are acquainted with an eponymously handled couple and herself received a text at 19:16 hrs on Monday 3rd Jan. 2011 from our Nigel to the effect that:-
It's official, I'm dead, please address all future communications to Elizabeth.Very droll but I'm not sure I would want to tempt fate!
Sunday, January 02, 2011
The Year Ahead
Buddhist Pizza Inc has, over the holiday period, been reconsidering its mission statement, its strategy for the next five years, its business plan and cash flows.
The executive summary is set out below with an appropriate reference.
Robert McCrum, in Th'Observer, has an interesting paragraph or two about the tensions between what we buy to read and what some of us would like you to think we read:- Stieg Larsson ahead of Hilary Mantel (Ed. I read and enjoyed both) He points out the importance, especially now, of the publishers being able (and of course willing) to cross-subsidise.
Being a literary gent he uses a quote to lend weight to his argument:-
In search of some support from the past, I found this passage in the preface to Tom Jones. "An author ought to consider himself," wrote Henry Fielding, "not as a gentleman who gives a private treat, but rather as one who keeps a pub, at which all persons are welcome for their money."That's it then.
Buddhist Pizza:- think of it as a pub with no beer, but it's free.
Cheap at half the price!
Saturday, January 01, 2011
What will the New Year bring?
I would put good money (50p each way) on Tony, the whinging misery guts, popping his clogs in some fashion on Sunday.There now, I apologise to the host of our regular readers, yes you two at the back, who do not know what I am bleating on about.
Good wishes for the New Year!