Back from the N. Yorks Moors. Really enjoyed it, never thought I would say that about time spent in Yorkshire let alone write it! I only managed 4 pints in the week. What 4 pints though. I am inspired to try a crossword on all the different species of beer!
We had an Amble, well it was more of a Bimble!
Plod across moor from village to Roman Camp, couple of hours there and very impressive it was too.
I have been reading and enjoying
Waterlog by
Deakin; - tales of swimming and derring-do.
A swimmer for many years now, it has probably kept me alive, but I just do the easy bit; breast stroke, crawl and back stroke, up and down the pool.
This guy swims in unusual, interesting and scary places. One such was the Scillies. Lots of stuff washed up on beaches; historically,
Cloudesley Shovell, latterly front doors and sinks. None reported to the Receiver of Wrecks... for a variety of reasons.
As we return down a pleasant lane I attempt to explain this to Lady BP.
"The Receiver of Wrecks" I pronounce!
"Who's Rex?"
"I don't know" I reply "They could be from anywhere"
"Yes. But Who's Rex?"
As Kurt would say, so it goes, for about five minutes.
We twig at about the same time, collapse of stout parties.
The retriever Rex begins to grow as a character in my minds eye.
On another day the Waterlog theme continues as I watch mermen, lads in wet suits, frolicking in Whitby Harbour, jumping off piers and trying to snatch seagulls in the air!